Check out our Healing Center


Check out our Healing Center ·

Our partners


Cultural Center

The Aquinnah Cultural Center (ACC) is an independent nonprofit organization with the mission to “preserve, interpret and document the Aquinnah Wampanoag self-defined history, culture, and contributions, past, present, and future.” We partner with the ACC to increase access to culture and traditional knowledge for our prevention activities and healing opportunities.


Island Grown

Through its many programs, Island Grown Initiative partners with us in providing local food for our food distribution, and in increasing access to Indigenous foods through gleaning, hunting, food rescue, and our community garden. The Initiative supports storage and space to process foods, and has supplied a garden plot for our Three Sisters Garden until we have our own space.  


Southwest Center
for Law and Policy

Supporting us with technical assistance for many years, the Center provides our SAFESTAR training as well as Tribal Trial Legal Advocacy Training to our community members. We are currently partnering to help other tribes.


Jane Doe Inc.

This Massachusetts coalition for domestic violence and sexual assault programs has been instrumental in helping us build relationships with state agencies and other programs.


Transition House

A domestic violence program and shelter in the Boston area, Transition House was the first shelter in Massachusetts. As part of our strong relationship, they attend the annual Aquinnah Pow Wow every year, allow us to use their space to provide cultural workshops for Native people in the Boston area, and help us to provide shelter to our program participants that need to leave the island. 


The Beacon Design
Collective Inc.

A woman-owned graphic design and communications company. The Beacon Design Collective supports individuals and organizations as they seek to drive well-being for all and gain traction in the marketplace of ideas. Beacon has partnered with us in telling our story, designing our website and other communications assets, and creating our brand.


Our funders


Kataly Foundation

The Kataly Foundation moves resources to support the economic, political, and cultural power of Black & Indigenous communities, & all communities of color. By transforming our relationship to capital, the planet, & each other, we will redistribute and redefine wealth in a way that leads to transformation, abundance, & regeneration.


Solidaire Network

Solidaire Network is a community of donor organizers mobilizing critical resources to the frontlines of intersectional movements for racial, gender and climate justice. Solidaire Network moves money quickly and generously, and courageously advocates to repair the harms of society’s and philanthropy’s disinvestment from Black, Indigenous, immigrant and other communities leading from the margins.


Leadership Lab

The Crossroads Leadership Lab is intended as a sanctuary for endangered and emergent ways of knowing, learning, and leading. They believe that the path forward in these times will be illuminated by wisdom traditions and ways of knowing that are inspired by creativity, spiritual practice, deep inquiry, and meaningful relationships with each other and our more than human kin. The Crossroads Leadership Lab amplifies and supports projects, stories, research, and artifacts born out of relationships with people and places that are committed to creating conditions for all life to thrive.

CLL is an initiative of the Master's in Leadership for Sustainability Program at the University of Vermont's Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources.


Seventh Generation Fund’s
Thriving Women Grant

Thriving Women centers and uplifts Indigenous women’s leadership and strategies to reclaim traditional matrilineal lifeways that have sustained and built nations since time immemorial. It recognizes the targeting of Indigenous women and girls as a manifestation of ongoing colonization and the link between extractive industries and violence against Mother Earth as it is mirrored in the lives and bodies of Native Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit Relatives.
The program supports grassroots, Indigenous women-led and serving initiatives to prevent and remedy gender oppression including strategies addressing MMIWg2; uplifts matrilineal centered traditional health and wellness practices (birthkeeping, healing, arts, etc.), bolsters coming-of-age ceremonies; advances multi-generational kinship and leadership development, and revives subsistence food systems and traditional women’s healing through land-based practices.


The First
Nations Alliance

First Nation Development’s mission is to strengthen American Indian economies to support healthy Native communities. They invest in and create innovative institutions and models that strengthen asset control and support economic development for American Indian people and their communities.